Somewhere in the south of Brazil… the land of the „Gaúchos“
… right in the heart of the region of the Rio Grande do Sul you will find a city called Porto Alegre. This is where the Gauchos live. This is where you find the proverbial combination of a vast countryside, wide rivers, mate tea, relaxed music and wild horses. This is where a typical „garden“ is about the size of a small district in our countries here in Europe. This is where the Milonga comes from. But this is also where he takes the Chamame. Because this is where Renato Borghetti was born.
Renato Borghetti – The Master of Ceremony
The magic of his music is in Renatos combination of styles: His music is
connected to his roots and spiced up with jazz and classical music elements.
As an impulsively passionate musician, he surrounds himself only with the Best: Daniel Sa is a real artist on electric guitar, often taking the quartetís music to completely new points of view. Hilton Vaccari creates a powerful bass fundament on his acoustic guitar, driving the music forward and providing the rhythm. Pedro Figueiredo. His flute and soprano saxophone are colour, melody and spirit to Renato’s music.
This is why Renato’s first CD already reached Gold in Brasil 15 years ago.
„Gauchos“ is his debut album in Europe. Welcome to the Quinton Records family of artists!